
IRSA has created and produced numerous of simulations and recreations to display how the incident occurred. We apply techniques such as using deductive and inductive reasoning, physical evidence, scientific methods, and interconnect their relationships.

Below are a few simulations that we created to demonstrate the subject incident.

Within the scope of criminal proceedings, we exam the Human Factors, Biomechanics, and/or reconstruction of accidental verses intended injuries. More specifically, we deal with murders, shootings, drownings, drunk driving, hit and runs as well as assault with a deadly weapon. IRSA also works with with issues such as probable cause, self-defense, vehicle manslaughter, negligence, blunt force trauma, and other related incidents.

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The male defendant was accused of first degree murder of his wife. IRSA demonstrated it was not murder, but self-defense. Additionally, we identified 2 dozen more issues (after law enforcement checked the scene) and used it in trial; resulting in the aforementioned individual being acquitted.


The following non-fictional simulation is a promotional 9-minute video that depicts a behind the scenes look at IRSA's reconstruction process for a murder case. Interviews were performed by IRSA staff members and the actual attorneys involved in the case. Some scenes may be graphic.


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