Human Factors can be applied to various applications using the fundamentals of science. IRSA deals with Human Factors in various arenas. We work with it as it pertains to transportation accidents, slips/trips and falls, peripheral vision, warnings and labels, and voluntary vs. involuntary reactions.
Human Factors is the study of how humans behave physically and psychologically in relation to their environments. Human Factors include (but are not limited to): Imminent peril perception/reaction time, peripheral vision, attention, judgment and reasoning as well as other cognitive functions.
A large part of our Human Factor evaluation involves studying the provided visual cue and assess whether a collision can be avoided with a reasonable perception-response time.
The diagram (to the left) displays one of the many facets of Human Factors that IRSA applies their expertise. This diagram displays the vertical-perception vision range. This is an essential concept and often overlooked in injuries/accidents.